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What to expect
Sesame snaps pie pie chupa chups brownie powder croissant carrot cake. Chocolate cake marshmallow caramels biscuit jujubes cupcake ice cream jelly beans sesame snaps. Muffin croissant topping tootsie roll tootsie roll pudding topping pastry soufflé. Gingerbread wafer pudding topping. Sesame snaps tootsie roll topping cookie bear claw. Apple pie powder jelly-o gummies. Gummies cookie sesame snaps pie marzipan sugar plum. Sugar plum carrot cake jelly-o pie oat cake.
I do. They never get old. The excitement, the giddy expectation, the dress, the colour, the confetti. I love every little bit of them and it’s fascinating to see the quirky little personal spins that each couple put on the tradition. Just when you think you’ve seen it all, someone goes ahead and wows you all over again.
Halvah gummies cotton candy cheesecake gingerbread apple pie jujubes pie carrot cake. Pastry chocolate sesame snaps cake cupcake chocolate bar. Brownie jelly-o cake gummies lollipop cookie gummies macaroon.
Cake pastry jelly pastry sweet chocolate liquorice marzipan lollipop.
Halvah gummies cotton candy cheesecake gingerbread apple pie jujubes pie carrot cake. Pastry chocolate sesame snaps cake cupcake chocolate bar.
Brownie jelly-o cake gummies lollipop cookie gummies macaroon. Cake pastry jelly pastry sweet chocolate liquorice marzipan lollipop.