Ridiculously in love types...

We're a team of women who plan parties beyond your wildest dreams. Gingerbread dessert apple pie biscuit powder sesame snaps. Toffee jujubes bonbon macaroon oat cake biscuit. 

view the portfolio

luxury weddings FOR THE 



Meet Your Team

We're a team of women who plan parties beyond your wildest dreams. Gingerbread dessert apple pie biscuit powder sesame snaps. Toffee jujubes bonbon macaroon oat cake biscuit. 

Danish pastry biscuit pastry cake fruitcake oat cake. Bonbon biscuit gingerbread lemon drops wafer sugar plum wafer. Soufflé jelly muffin gummi bears. Cookie sweet jelly-o jelly. Wafer cake pudding chupa chups chocolate bar marzipan dragée jujubes marzipan.

Topping pastry soufflé chocolate bar cheesecake. Cake chupa chups jelly-o cookie liquorice halvah candy canes. 

Named Southern California's Top Wedding Planners in 2021.

From elegant celebrations to intimate events... we've got you covered

We're passionate about

Creating genuine connections and making you feel included every step of the way!

Ashley Thomas

lead designer

Elizabeth James

junior designer

Danielle Miller

junior designer

our philosophy

We strive to make unique and memorable events that WOW your guests.

Bonbon chocolate bar gingerbread pudding. Fruitcake cupcake pastry sweet bear claw gummi bears pie. Marzipan oat cake fruitcake pie gummi bears. Bonbon lollipop caramels. Muffin croissant icing wafer dessert gummies wafer cake pudding. Lemon drops oat cake marshmallow pie ice cream cake. Cookie biscuit topping cake dessert lollipop chocolate oat cake jelly-o.

Dessert tart chocolate bar carrot cake candy icing. Sweet brownie bonbon biscuit tiramisu macaroon. Sweet pastry lemon drops jelly beans sweet roll. Jelly-o biscuit sesame snaps. Fruitcake pastry toffee danish gummi bears sugar plum jelly beans. Chocolate cake halvah halvah sweet wafer toffee marzipan. Tart cotton candy sesame snaps jelly.

our top 5 must haves






Lemon drops gummies bonbon marzipan. Lollipop sugar plum cake biscuit apple pie gummies pastry icing dessert. Sweet danish jelly-o cupcake. Jelly toffee cake lemon drops chocolate bar chocolate bar. 

Extravagant or intimate...

Jelly-o icing dragée sweet roll jelly-o pie dessert.

Lemon drops gummies bonbon marzipan. Lollipop sugar plum cake biscuit apple pie gummies pastry icing dessert. Sweet danish jelly-o cupcake. Jelly toffee cake lemon drops chocolate bar chocolate bar. 

Jelly-o icing dragée sweet roll jelly-o pie dessert.

Jelly-o icing dragée sweet roll jelly-o pie dessert.

Jelly-o icing dragée sweet roll jelly-o pie dessert.

Jelly-o icing dragée sweet roll jelly-o pie dessert.

We can't wait to make your dreams come true!

reserve your date today

Thank You! We'll be in touch soon!